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7 in 7 Day4: Beak Mask 4.0

Updated: Nov 13, 2020


I envision my work to be displayed in a public space, or gallery space. It could be a recorded video playing in loop together with static installation/objects being displayed next to the video. I will invite all my friends in New York to see it. If it's online, I would also invite my friends and family in China to log in and watch it. It would probably be a little confusing to some of them who isn't familiar with art or design at all, but the beautiful form and the powerful visual language would be enough to impress them. I think I will be proud of everything of this project, of the hard work I put into it, of the making process, the research I've done, literally everything I went through to get the final output and hopefully I would feel the two years in DT had paid off.

DAY 4:

Beak mask!

Today I was trying to use lighter materials to make a more breathable mask, but the output was actually quite the opposite--this is the heaviest one so far! The reason is that I tied too many knots and "flowers" which had made it really dense. The wire I used today is thinner and softer than in the last two prototypes, and that only made it worse: the heavy fabric broke the structure and the lowest wire became useless.

But I have to say that the texture of the finished mask looks alright(kinda like a Victorian dress). The form and material give it a romantic, soft, feminine and vulnerable looking character, but at the same time the white cloth on human body also reminds me of wound, disease and death. In Chinese culture, people wear all white at a funeral, and I had to avoid a white band wrapping around my head which would make it more like a funeral outfit. This complexity speaks to the culturally different perceptions.

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